Economic Impact Report

Strength in Numbers:
The 2023 Economic Impact of Florida’s Nonprofits


Nonprofit organizations make a considerable impact on various aspects of life for Florida residents, including positive influences on the economy, health, social well-being, culture, and education. Nonprofits in Florida contribute to the state’s economy by employing nearly half a million people and paying wages and benefits to those employees, which has ripple effects throughout the economy as those employees spend their wages on all sorts of goods and services. These organizations also generate revenue through fundraising activities, donations, and program fees.

As employers and service providers, nonprofit organizations are key components of the state and local economy. FNA engaged Public Sector Consultants (PSC) to identify and quantify data on the economic impact of the state’s nonprofit sector. These data can be a powerful tool in identifying nonprofits within a specific community or social function, as well as in advocacy and fundraising efforts, as they provide concrete evidence of nonprofits’ important contributions to the economy. View the full report and a highlight of the most compelling numbers below:

  • Economic Impact Report
    • An Economic Impact Report is a summary of the financial information created by one sector, in this case the nonprofit sector. It aggregates data related to how nonprofits contribute to the economy. Financial data includes employment (wages) and revenue.
    • FNA can also create custom pieces by county, region, social function. Please contact us if you are interested in commissioning a tailored piece for your community.
  • Data Infographic
    • Share the data infographic for a visual overview of the economic impact of nonprofits in Florida.
  • Data Dashboard
    • The Data Dashboard is a tool for you to see the data showing the economic impact of our sector. You can use the dropdown menus and search tools to identify specific data related to your region, county, and social function.

  • Practical Action Guide: NEW for 2023
    • Designed for nonprofit leaders to help you implement the Economic Impact Report.  When you understand the contribution of the nonprofit sector, both in general and with specific focus on your region and work, you have data and stories to tell funders, policymakers, community leaders, and others. 
    • Created for you and our sector to take action

 We envision these actions happening at three levels to advance advocacy, funding, and sustainability:






If you were unable to make it to our 2023 research launch, you can view the slides and a recorded video call below: