Looking Forward Report

Florida Nonprofit Alliance is proud to release its second research analysis on the effects of COVID-19 on the nonprofit sector.

Three months after the release of its first research analysis, The Effects of COVID-19 on Florida Nonprofits, COVID-19 is still affecting all aspects of our society, and the number of cases is rising to record numbers across the state.

Although there are still many unknowns about what the next few months and years will bring, nonprofit organizations are attempting to plan for the new reality and respond in a way that allows them to continue providing vital services in our communities. More than 1,800 nonprofits gave us updates on how COVID-19 is affecting them and how they are adjusting.

Key Findings:
  • Overwhelmingly, the number one issue for nonprofits in both the short and long term is access to funding.
  • Nonprofits have been proactive in adjusting program service delivery to virtual or online platforms. However, this has also come with increased costs in the form of technology, training, and/or staff time.
  • Impacts on nonprofit staffing have not been as severe as originally anticipated, likely because nonprofit organizations have been eligible for some federal relief funding. However, this could change once Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) funds are no longer available.
  • 44% of nonprofits have successfully accessed some sort of government aid or relief.
  • Looking forward into 2021, nonprofits are very concerned about the loss of income, which will reduce their ability to provide programming, while also anticipating an increased need for services.
  • Nonprofits know that their clients are personally experiencing a number of impacts, including financial strain and mental health stress. 

To read the full report, click here.

If you have questions about this research, please contact Leah McDermott at lmcdermott@flnonprofits.org