Effects of COVID-19 on Florida Nonprofits

In April 2020, Florida Nonprofit Alliance produced a report assessing the impact of COVID-19 on Florida's nonprofit sector. This report was funded by Wells Fargo.

Key Findings include:

  • 98% of nonprofit organizations that responded have been affected by COVID-19
  • Almost 80% have experienced a negative financial impact because of the virus
  • 73% of nonprofits have had a disruption in their services, and more than 1/3 have experienced an increase in demand
  • More than half have had disruptions to the work of their staff and/or volunteers
  • Organizations are doing the best they can in a rapidly changing world, but they need additional resources, especially funding, to survive and recover
  • Advocacy continues to play a vital role to ensure nonprofits are included in all stimulus and relief packages
  • Nonprofit recovery from COVID-19 will not be immediate once the virus is under control, and recovery will require help, especially financial, from funders

The full report can be accessed here

For questions, please contact Leah McDermott at lmcdermott@flnonprofits.org