About Us


Florida Nonprofit Alliance is the state's collective voice, respected advocate, effective connector, and powerful mobilizer for the nonprofit sector.



A better Florida through an elevated and protected nonprofit sector



We value:

We value the diverse perspectives and contributions of all people


We uphold strong ethical principles, act with honesty and respect, and are accountable to our members


The power of the nonprofit sector turns beliefs and hopes into action and change


We are:

We anticipate the collective needs of the sector and work collaboratively to have those needs met


We are open about our actions and motivations with nonprofits and decision makers


We are attentive to the environment that nonprofits operate in and respond to threats and opportunities


Until 2012, Florida was one of sixteen states lacking a statewide nonprofit association. With more than 76,000 nonprofit organizations, as of February 2015, (IRS and Urban Institute, National Center for Charitable Statistics) serving more than 18 million residents, the need for resource sharing, increased connectivity, and a collective voice became increasingly apparent. 

The idea to develop a statewide coalition emerged in 2009, but it wasn’t until June 2011 that an Establishing Committee was formed and formally began laying the groundwork. Florida Nonprofit Alliance grew from a loosely organized network of nonprofit leaders engaged with major metropolitan and regional nonprofits: Catalyst Miami, the Nonprofit Center of Northeast Florida (Jacksonville), Nonprofits First (Boynton Beach), the Nonprofit Leadership Center of Tampa Bay,  Edyth Bush Institute for Philanthropy & Nonprofit Leadership Center at Rollins College (Winter Park), and other organizations located within Gainesville, Naples, Sarasota, and Tallahassee.

In fall 2012, the Florida Nonprofit Alliance applied for 501(c)3 status, marking a historic milestone for Florida's nonprofit sector.