Florida Individual Giving Survey 2019

Florida Nonprofit Alliance, in partnership with Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, commissioned a statewide survey in 2019 about our state’s full-time and part-time residents'  giving habits. This was the first time this research has been conducted in the state of Florida. 


About the survey:

“Florida is now the third most populous state in the nation. With this survey, we hope to identify how Floridians choose to donate their time, talent and treasure. Imagine what our nonprofits could do if we retained more of Florida’s philanthropic wealth in the state and directed it toward Florida’s nonprofits. By doubling the rate of Floridians who volunteer, we can move from the bottom to the top quartile,” said Sabeen Perwaiz, President & CEO of FNA.

The survey had the following objectives:

  • To learn more about residents who contribute money and volunteer their time to nonprofit organizations
  • To gauge if giving has decreased because of tax reform
  • To measure the difference in giving between their home state and Florida
  • To measure public interest toward nonprofit organizations
  • To measure their familiarity with efforts to prevent charity fraud
  • To measure consumer trust in nonprofits 

Survey questionnaires were reviewed by University of Florida’s Nonprofit Management and Leadership office.


Key Survey Findings include:
  • 98% donated to a charitable cause in the past year
  • More than 60% gave less than $1,000 per year
  • 84% did not change their giving as a result of federal tax reform
  • 85% do some or a lot of research into their chosen charities prior to donating
  • 60% were not familiar with the Department of Agriculture & Consumer Service’s efforts to prevent charity fraud
  • 59% give to charities in Florida
  • 58% know how to verify if a charity is permitted to fundraise in Florida
  • 48% Gave to National charities
  • Letters and emails were the most frequently preferred methods of solicitation
  • Click here to download the full research report.   
  • Click here to download the infographic.

Thank you to our sponsors:
  • Wells Fargo
  • Jessie Ball duPont Fund
  • The Community Foundation for Northeast Florida.